【09.02-09.20】113-1校總區社團國際性活動補助 113-1 OIA Subsidy for Student Club International Activities
一、 收件時間
二、 申請資格
- 社團當學期需於社團資訊系統完成登記。
- 同一活動不得重覆申請校內不同單位之補助,如追查發現重覆補助將追繳補助款項。
三、 補助活動類型
- 本校境外學生社團辦理之學術、文化活動。
- 本校學生社團辦理國際交流相關,促進本地學生與境外學生交流之活動。
四、 活動辦理期間
五、 申請流程
- 於社團資訊系統建立活動單,標題為「113-1學期OOO社國際性活動暨補助申請」。
- 將活動單、經費申請表(請參考附件一)於9月20日前交至課外活動指導組。
- 待國際事務處審查後,由課外組統整公告補助結果及核銷截止日期於課外組網頁。
- 憑據具臺大統編之有效單據及成果報告(請參考附件二)找社團輔導人核銷。
六、 核銷須知
補助皆為事後核銷,核銷期限至113年12月13日止,請於辦活動時留取開臺大統編之單據,活動後憑單據找社團輔導人核銷。- Application Period
SEP 2 – SEP 20, 2024
- Applicant Qualifications
- The applied student club should have finished the club registration procedure in Student Activity in that semester.
- Applicant activities should be took place from AUG 31 to DEC 13.
- Every activity shouldn’t be subsidized from more than one NTU administration. The money will be expropriated if we found duplicate subsidy.
- Applicable Student Club International Activities
- Academic or cultural student club activities with NTU oversea students.
- Internal interaction activities thrown by the NTU oversea students clubs.
- Other international activities recognized by OIA.
- Application Procedure
- Apply the activity in the student club activity system, activity name should be “113-1 Semester Subsidy for XXX Club International Activities”. (Please key in your club name to replace XXX), and print the activity application.
- Submit activity application, subsidy application (attachment 1) to Student Activity Division.
- The amount of subsidy and reimbursement deadline will be announced on student activity division website.
- The subsidy need to be reimbursed by receipts, and eligible receipts should have the tax ID number (NTU tax number : 03734301). We need to request clerk to key in NTU tax ID number before the payment.
- Please take eligible receipts and activity report (attachment 2) to Student Activity Division to reimburse before reimbursement deadline.